How to contact friends


New Member
FCN Regular
I wanna chat with a person I am following...but don't know how to do it...and please tell me that how will I know whether that person is online or not...the last info on profile page says that she had opened it a week ago but while chatting with someone else I got a notification that she is now offline...also on her profile page people have said that they talked with her yesterday only.....please help
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I wanna chat with a person I am following...but don't know how to do it...and please tell me that how will I know whether that person is online or not...the last info on profile page says that she had opened it a week ago but while chatting with someone else I got a notification that she is now offline...also on her profile page people have said that they talked with her yesterday only.....please help
Hi, this is Kelsey from the Amateur Helpdesk forum. In order to assist you further, please provide the profile name of the person you wish to contact, and your login credentials.

Thank you for flying FCN. o_O
My username is Rakshit7 and the person I want to contact is ShinyDiamond
Dear Mr. Rakshit,

Unfortunately, this isn't the first instance where the user ShinyDiamond has been reported leaving another member high & dry. Rest assured, we have our finest looking into her shenanigans, and it should only be a matter of time before she's brought to justice.

As a point of interest, login credentials consist of a username and password. Your username is your username, making it rather obvious.

Thank you for your continued loyalty. :cool:
But how can I give my password??...It's just that I want to know a method of contacting another person....I don't know at what time she is online otherwise I would had send her private messages...I just want to know how to contact a person when she is offline
It isn't that she has left me high and dry
Honorable #7,

No one wants to believe they've been duped by some hussy with a nice set of tits for a profile pic. It happens. Men are gullible and easily taken advantage of because they think with their head instead of their head. Speaking of being gullible...

Only the user can see their password. To everyone else it displays as a series of asterisks. For example, if I were to provide my username and password...

UN: Kelsey12
PW: ***********

If you still want to contact WhoreOnaStick ShinyDiamond, just leave a message on her wall. Women love that shit.

Remember the Alamo. :confused:
People don't access others account unless they plan to be vendictive something neither myself or Kelsey are.

But as she has said. If you are following someone unless they have locked down their Profile you can click on their name and then leave them a message. Now that doesn't mean they have to get back to you.
Why would you not think I'd do such a thing? Is this your first time on the internet? This is exactly how the internet works.

My very first response was pointing you to the appropriate forum for your query. In fact, it's the 2nd thread you posted in this forum for the same purpose, and Lupine told you in your other thread that you were in the wrong place. Did you listen? No. Did you ask any questions in the right forum after being told twice? No. Don't blame me for pointing out your ignorance. That's all on you.

And ShinyDiamond is a fake.
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Sorry to disturb you again but I have to ask one thing that why the last seen info gives absurd data...half an hour ago I was talking to someone...but when I visit her profile page it says last seen 19th August...
Do u know why this happens??

You don't have to be logged into the forum to use chat.
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