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If you're registered, logging into chat is a breeze. The process is even automated for a seamless log-in to chat right from the forum.

Once you're at, navigate to FORUM:


Once you're at FORUMS homepage, find "Log in or Sign up" link in the upper right corner:


Once you're on log-in page/slide-out, enter your log-in info:


Once you're at Chat log-in page, complete the following steps:


If at any point you get a pop-under or pop-up ad (could look something like this, it's just an ad, you don't have to click anything in the ad, unless you want to receive those services), simply switch back to your log-in window or find your way back to chat log-in:

If you receive a pop-up or pop-under page and your log-in page disappears into nowhere, you have some sort of ad-blocking or pop-up blocking thing enabled. Try going back one page in ad poppup or finding an extra web browser/page tab.
I have a problem! I can log in to forums but it says I am not authenticated when trying to get into chat rooms.
I have gone through the email verification.
It is a new account from an email address that was assigned to a deleted account.
I have a problem! I can log in to forums but it says I am not authenticated when trying to get into chat rooms.
I have gone through the email verification.
It is a new account from an email address that was assigned to a deleted account.
i have the same problem logged in and chat says disconnected cannchat bas guest though
Guys any help would be appreciated but I can’t log into chat rooms, I can go on forums but not chat. It says ‘I’m disconnected from server’

Any ideas please?
OK...logging in is straight forward. What I want to know is why can't I log on on a different device and still have my setting saved, I.e. font and sound preferences also blocked list.
This seems counter intuitive. I have to use my phone at times and always have to reset the info. Its a shared phone with young people having access to it so I have to use in private browsing for it.
Survey this info should be saved to my account and thus be the same from any device I login through?
Any help???
Sorry, but those interface settings are stored in cookies. Once you log out, cookies are altered. If you use incognito mode, cookies won't be stored. Different set of cookies are also stored on different devices.

Chat software is quite old and new software is being worked on, which may save interface settings differently.
Unable to enter chat.

I keep trying to enter chat and I get this message...

You were disconnected from the server by server.

Reason: not authenticated"

I'm signed in every time on the site. No idea why it's doing that.

Your multiple accounts are causing a conflict in the web browser data. Only one account per user is supported.
I've cleared the browser of everything. Fresh as a daisy. And it's giving me that. Seems quite a number are having the same issue and it's a well known issue. Funnily enough, this is the first time ever I've experienced it in the 5 years I've been on this site. So quite the run. Hope you're well dude.

Maybe you should stick to one account or use guest log-ins for differently themed usernames / moods. I've never ever had this issue. The percentage of people who have had this issue is extremely low—not even worth noting.
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