Profile pics


So I am one of those ( apparently) annoying people who changes her profile pic more then many others.

I change it to suit my mood, to reflect what’s happening in my life or even sometimes to just feel good about myself.

If I put up one with a little more skin that’s slightly more daring it usually doesn’t last long but if that’s what I feel like at the time I’m going to do it.
Or sometimes it might be one that reflects an “in” joke.

So how do others pic their profile pics? Do you change them often? Do you listen and react to the comments of others?
Or are you one of those who never even puts a pic up to start with?
Interesting post Jinxy...i has changed mine a couple of times in the past to reflect my mood but then with all the fakes I have come across I feel the one I have now is perfect as nobody likes finding fake diamonds! By the way that booty is a 10/10 ;)