Feedback Trivia Bot - Downtime & Malfunctions (and silly complaints)

Clive in new chat is honestly down more often than triviabot was in old chat. Still total downtime is propably smaller than before because you guys reboot him quicker than you did earlier. That is a good thing., thank you for that.
I don't know why he goes down so often, but I assume it's updates and reboots you do on the site. Those usually happen when something new is implemented.

Cliveanswers still works. I don't understand why that is prioritized.
I don't understand why that room exists in the first place. It's like you heard one opinion, but forgot to ask the people who actually regularly use the games room (or old trivia room) what do they think about Clive's other abilities.
Sure, I think the other abilities are useless, but they never were a nuisance and I'll much rather have that distraction than no Clive at all
It isn't prioritized, it's just two different instances of scripts, which is actually a good thing. Because, if one thing is down, at least now part of it is still working.

Both bots have been restarted.