How Fast Do You Go?


Well-Known Member

Road trip, long trip, you're in no hurry, but you don't want to take forever either. Pretend there's no speed limit, like the autobahn or autostrada (but not) - how fast do you drive?
55 it's the most economical and I'm a bit of a tightwad!!! Plus I can look around and not really pay attention to the road!! Unless I was driving to see you though, then it would be "pedal to the metal" time ;-)
70-80 as that's fine. I like to think I can stop if I need to without half a mile needed.
I'm on vacation. I drove up north - it's a 10 hour drive. I passed, maybe, a handful of vehicles along the way, and I drive between 65 & 70. So I was just curious, without a 70 mph limitation, how much faster I would've been getting passed.
Look at you people living on the edge. Be safe on the road though. Don't get yourself hurt, or worse.

Have a wonderful day.
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I would just keep up with the traffic, but stop and look at all the cheesy tourist stuff.
I hate the M6, it's bad enough dealing with the M4/5 on a daily basis.
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Depends what time and what junctions Lupine,,can be a nice drive on the M6 sometimes,,

That's so true, driving is all about it being quiet and stress free where possible.