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Nope. People need to understand this: Blocking is not "incomplete." It is simply NOT the case that "people are blocked but not like TOTALLY blocked they're only KINDA blocked" -- bullshit, no, no, NO NO NO. People who are blocked *are* "totes reallyreally blocked". Blocking works exactly like we want it to. It is not incomplete.

Primarily, you must understand that this is a forum. Your profile page/wall/whatever you want to call it is a page on a forum. A forum is a... well, look it up, the history of the very idea of a "forum" implies that it's public and anyone can come and speak their mind. In ancient history, it was much more restricted to the aristocracy, of course. We give you, though, the ability to decide whether your profile page is public or "invite-only." That's as far as it'll go.

No. Not ever. It's a forum. You don't become King of Shit Hill just because it's "your post." If you want private messages, send them. If you make a post, it's public, and you need to recognize that, even if just for your own safety and security.

"an app for this site" -- we have that. It's called "this site." It's a website. It's accessed using standards and protocols established by the World Wide Web Consortium since 1993 so that it can operate on any web-capable device running a standards-compliant web browser. Pretty ingenious, really -- the web exists, so we used it.
Maybe if moderators/admins would enforce 'harassment' and ban users we wouldn't ask for additional controls.
If by "enforce harassment" you mean act seriously against:
- vague, nebulous "him hav harazz mes" reports
- "a user did something I don't like, on MY internet, ban them" reports
- "a user posted an off-topic message in MY thread which I OWN" reports
- "a boy talked to me and I am not gay or am a lesbian" reports
- "there is a penis" reports
none of which merit attention or investigation, instead of making sure the site is functioning, sure, we'll get right on that. That was sarcasm. I practice daily to keep my skills sharp, see. But no. In ALL of those cases, using the block/ignore functions is the solution.

1) We do not owe anyone an explanation of action we have or have not taken based on their reports, even if it involves harassment, high treason, nuclear warfare, whatever the fuck, I don't care. We do not have the time to sit and explain to every single user that if they don't like something, they can block, or to remind people that it's a forum and therefore everything that is publicly visible is publicly interactable, or even to send a form-letter explaining "thank you for your report, we take all reports seriously and will thoroughly investigate your issue and ensure that Justice Is Done" -- no, because MOST reports are crybaby bullshit.
2) There was going to be a two but this is way more time than I care to spend on this shit.
3) NO ONE IS HARASSING YOU BY POSTING ON "YOUR THREAD". You don't fucking OWN a thread! You don't! Get it through your head! For you to say "maybe if you punished harassment" to my reply where I said that you do not get to control access to threads indicates that you still think a thread that you post is "yours." It is not yours. It isn't. Is not. Not-is. The opposite of "is yours." It has entered the public sphere. That's it. The only problems then are if someone is breaking the law or spamming.

Harassment has nothing to do with why you people want additional controls. You people want additional controls so you can control other users' experience, so that you can punish them. No controls you ever get will be about that. The only controls you will ever receive will only ever affect what you see and interact with. If there is some kind of overlap where a control would let you affect someone else's access to the fundamental function of the service -- writing messages, making posts, etc -- then you will not get that control.

Anyway. "Harassment" is one of those words like "trolling," as far as FCN users seem to want to use these words. Both terms are so broad as to be entirely meaningless. If you say "harassment" -- or worse, if your report consists of the word "harassment" -- I'm gonna tune right the hell out. If your reports do not describe what actually happened, I'm going to ignore them. If your report can be resolved by using block/ignore, I'm going to ignore it.
How do I send a pic to somebody ? ( I'm on an iPhone)
I think you can directly send pictures in chat with the image icon. If you're wanting to message a particular picture in the forum conversations, you may need to upload it offsite and use the URL. When replying to a thread, there's the "upload a file" option.
how does it work when you block users from messaging you. You get a post saying someone tried to message you but you are blocking. My q is what do they see a blank private message or a message saying can't pm???
hi i have been banned by the chat not sure why it says because i have spammed/scammed ........ i dont remember doing anything that even resembles a spam or a scam ........ you can please check my history pf chats ...... i dont even bother members by repetedly sending PM to them .... i may send one and unless i see a reply i dont bother them ......... in case a member says bye to me i dont even disturb them with PM ........ so kindly please check and then decide if i need to be banned
Number 1. Stop being critical. 2:Accidents happen when there are human moderators, and it sounds like this was an accident. Instead of posting, notify an admin to unban you due to a mistake.